Photo of Eduardo Cordova Cuba

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Percussionist studies academics and natural intuition craftsman Eduardo Cordova (La Habana, l963), gives decidiun make their own instruments because the sound of his drum kept him fully satisfied. Asuna begins adventure where cedar logs, hardware and skins begin to shape a world of sounds and dreams in which music and craft converge and complement each other without setting precise limits. BRIEF CURRICULUM professionals and...

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Percussionist studies academics and natural intuition craftsman Eduardo Cordova (La Habana, l963), gives decidiun make their own instruments because the sound of his drum kept him fully satisfied. Asuna begins adventure where cedar logs, hardware and skins begin to shape a world of sounds and dreams in which music and craft converge and complement each other without setting precise limits. BRIEF CURRICULUM professionals and artists. 1982. Graduated from National School of Art Instructors of Cuba. 1989. Graduated as Professor of percussion Superacin National Center for artistic teachings of Cuba. 1990. Professor of percussion at the Vocational School Arte.Cuba. 1992. Performance recognition of his dedicated to Isadora Duncan. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba. . Conference and demonstrations on the Fourth Latin American and instructional delivery Caribea artistic Cuba. School of percussion 1997. Exhibition of instruments in the House of Africa. Historic Town of Havana. . VII Festival Percuba percussion. Exhibition of instruments and performance. 1998. Galera Expoventa in Leonardo da Vinci. Miln. Italy. . Participation in the International Record Fair. Cubadisco 98. . Participation in the International Crafts Fair in Havana FIART. . Participation in the ler. Cuban Products Trade Meeting in Margarita Island. Venezuela. 1999. Obbara Creation Group. Sales at the Fair Expo Art Teaques 99, Guadalajara, Mexico. . Participation in the International Record Fair Cubadisco 99. . Expo sale in the shop of Artex S Havana. . Expoventa and performance at the International Crafts Fair in Havana FIART. . One of his pieces is selected by the Cuban Institute of music to honor the Vieja Trova Santiago. 2000. Special presentation in the documentary A Nigeria in occasion of the Ibero-American Summit. . Symposium on the artistic and musical work, performance and exhibition at the IX Inter-national Festival percussion Percuba 2000. . Performance and exhibition at the Festival International du Disque Cubadisco 2000. . Escenogrfico design with his work on the ceremony of Cubadisco premiacin 2000. Sala Avellaneda. National Theater of Cuba. . Presentation at the Television Program Cuban star fame and applause. . Peay permanent exhibition at the Crafts Centre of Havana. . Special guest at the Festival de la Guitarra Cubana. Teatro Amadeo Roldn. 2001. Personal exhibition in the International Crafts Fair in Havana Cuba Pabexpo. . FIART Award 2001 in the International Crafts Fair .. . Exhibition at International Festival Percussion. Percuba 2001. . Expocuba exhibition and presentation at the pavilion of Culture in a week devoted to Africa. . Prize awarded by the Ministry of Culture as best spectacle presented at the Pavilion Expocuba Culture in the year. . Participation in an event organized by the Catholic University of Chile. . Participation in Student s academic symposium at the Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile. . Permanent exhibition in the Palace of the Artisan, Havana Cuba. 2002. Participation in the Popular Art Fair in Concepcion, Chile. . Award granted by the School of Samba Kawin of Chile, Cuban percussion workshop. . Participation in the opening and closing ceremony of the First National Youth Organizations held in the city of Concepcion, Chile. . Percusiny participation in workshop in Musical Development Center for Social Develop-ment Capacitaciny. CADES. Chile. . Participation in the Fair Roun, France. . IMNOVA group presentation with Roun and Fair in Paris, France. . Obbara group presentation at the Yoruba Cultural Center in Havana Vieja. . Exhibition and presentation at Sabor Latino nightclub, Torino, Italy. . Participation in the X Festival Latinoamericano de Milan. Italy. . Exhibition at representation of Cuban culture in the Latin American Festival in Verona, Italy. 2003 Concert by OBBARA in the event of the book fair in the presentation of the book CUBA singing and dancing of the Italian photographer (VENEZIA) Mimo Fabrici Scenery and music at the gala opening CULTURE AND CONGRESS develop and flourish. Theater National Exhibition in the Latin American festival in Italy. Special guest drummer Milan as the king of merengue concert Kinito Mendez of the Dominican Republic in Italy. Miln Delivery of a drum carved to honor the 40 years of artistic life of the baby potatoes in FIART personal Stand Exhibition Stand 2003 2004 staff at the Palais des Festival del Habano Curator and exhibition and conventions demonstration workshop at the Festival of Percussion Percuba 2004 Selected to participate in the UNIVERSAL FORUM OF CULTURES 2004 BARCEONA Drum Festival 2004 exhibition and spectacle in FIART 2004 2005 Latin American Festival in Milan (Italy) Special guest at the concert as a percussionist Oscar de Leon (Italy) Exhibition in pavilion of Culture in the Havana International Fair (ACA) Exhibition of crafts for the UNESCO Seal of Excellence africa exhibition and performance House 26/06/2006 At the moment I am in a personal exhibition in the Festival Latino Americano in Milan For more information visit

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